
This NEWS-blog is created as part of our HY4104 history project.

In this NEWS-blog, we will talk about these events

Korean War
Vietnam War
Berlin Wall + Inner German Border

and why the communists initiated these, and how did the West react to it.

Brought to you by Poh Yu Quan, Cheng Yuan Han, Ivan Tee from M10409

Please use the archives on the left sidebar to navigate through the various articles and discussions.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Fresh from World War II, many German and Japanese territories have been split into two factions. One democratically and capitalist inclined, supported by the Americans; and the communist inclined, supported by the Soviets. Because of this split, fellow countrymen are “so near yet so far”, as they are forced to be separated by a mere border, but yet unable to cross over to the other side to meet their family or relatives.

It is because of this split that caused many nationalists to stand up to fight for their country and merge it under one common ideology. In Korea and Vietnam, nationalists stood up and attack the other half of the country, resulting in a civil war. These wars were not only for the nationalists to fight and merge their country, but they were used by the two superpowers- the Soviet Union and the USA, as part of the Cold War to support their individual ideologies. These wars were known as proxy wars, and both superpowers made use of it to consolidate their power in the world. Both of these wars (Korean War and Vietnam War), would be talked about individually in our first two articles.

In our third article, we turn our focus to Europe, where Germany is split into two factions. Within the Soviet occupation zone, Berlin, the capital, is further split into two factions. We will talk about the Inner German Border (the border between East Germany and West Germany), and the Berlin Wall.

For these events, we will look at it in a 4W1H system-Who (was involved); What (was at stake); When (did it happen); How (did it take place); Why (it happened). In addition, we will also look at the results of these events, and our group’s take on these events. From this method, we will address how the two superpowers made use of these events to strengthen their foothold in the Cold War, and how the lives of the civilians were affected by these events.

Also, our topic question- "Why did the communists initiate these events, and how did the West react?" will be addressed in the subsequent post after the 4W1H post.

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